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All the guided meditations provided  are embodiment practices and have been channelled through by whom I refer to as 'My Guides' and they all carry their own unique frequency that will assist you in your Soul healing journey.  I ask that you honour the content and not to recreate it for yourself or manipulate it in any way.  These recordings are best to listen to with earphones or headphones.

Re-Balancing Meditation

Tip:  The best time to listen to the below meditation is when you are experiencing a heightened/ strong emotions.  Where possible go and lie down on the bed flat with your arms spread out to the sides and stay there for the entire meditation.

This guided meditation will help to provide a safe energetic container and invite you to surrender and allow whatever thoughts and feelings you are experiencing, please know that you are safe, what you are feeling will pass, just focus on your breathing and just allow the process.

Welcome any thoughts, memories, feelings, visualisations that may come up.  Allow yourself to be like a witness to what you are seeing, feeling or thinking.  You may want to write down or journal any insights or 'aha's' you may have received afterwards.

NOTE:  If you are still experiencing strong feelings/emotions after the embodiment practice finishes, then I encourage you to listen to it again, until you feel it has eased.  Please be mindful that the feelings may not totally disappear during the embodiment practice.  Some feelings/emotions take a little longer as there is something there you may still need to learn from.  It will eventually dissolve if you practice being open, receptive, surrendered & allow the process.

OPTIONAL EXTRA:  After you complete the re-balancing meditation to further support the clearing process, grab a broom and sweep for 11 minutes with the intent that you are clearing out and letting go of the feelings you are currently experiencing.  There is not push or force here, just set the intent and then go into an open, receptive, surrendering and allowing space within and just sweep.  It does work if you believe it will.  It worked for me every time.  This was shown to me by one of my mentors/teachers - I refer to as my inner peace coach.

Re-balancing Guided Meditation & Music.mby Melinda Langford
00:00 / 14:54

Connecting into the Body, Inner Feminine & Masculine aspects of Self Guided Meditation

This guided meditation has been developed to help you to become more relaxed, more grounded and more comfortable with tuning into your body , specifically becoming more aware of your inner feminine and inner masculine aspects of self.

This guided meditation will also help you to learn how to feel into the sensations within your physical body and help you to learn to listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

NOTE: For the Men listening to this guided meditation - where the reference is to connect with the womb, please connect to your Hara (around your navel section).

It is recommended to do this practice frequently, starting off with 2-3 times a week, then to when you feel drawn to do this meditation.  

Optional:  You might like to create a sacred space while performing this practice by burning some sage, incense or essential oils, lighting some candles, maybe placing some crystals out around you or create a crystal grid  to help enhance the energies within your space.  You may choose to sit up or lie down with a blanket (try not to go to sleep during the practice).

I recommend only listening to this guided meditation until it becomes like second nature for you to do on your own and the process can also be moved through quicker the more your become more familiar and comfortable with the practice.  

Connecting to your body and the inner feminine and masculine aspects of selfFVMelinda Langford
00:00 / 32:11

Grounding Yourself

This guided meditation has been developed when you feel disconnected from your body, feeling scattered or flighty to help you to consciously ground yourself back into your body, into mother earth.

You will be guided to use your breath to pull your energies in and down into your heart chakra and further down into your womb space, root, feet and mother earth.  Helping you to become more grounded within yourself.

NOTE: For the Men listening to this guided meditation - where the reference is to connect with the womb, please connect to your Hara (around your navel section).

It is recommended to do this practice frequently, especially when you know you are ungrounded.  This practice can be done anywhere, anytime you feel you need it.  

Optional:  You might like to do this embodiment practice while out in nature or create a sacred space by burning some sage, incense or essential oils, lighting some candles, maybe placing some crystals out around you or create a crystal grid  to help enhance the energies within your space.  Best to do this in a sitting up position (try not to go to sleep during the practice).
Grounding YourselfMelinda Langford
00:00 / 09:57

Connecting to the 5 Main Aspects of Self

This guided meditation has been developed to help you increase your awareness to multiple aspects of self simultaneously.

You will be guided to connect with each main aspect (physical, emotional, mental, energetic/etheric & spiritual).

It is recommended to do this practice frequently. 

Optional:  You might like to create a sacred space while performing this practice by burning some sage, incense or essential oils, lighting some candles, maybe placing some crystals out around you or create a crystal grid  to help enhance the energies within your space.  You may choose to sit up or lie down with a blanket (try not to go to sleep during the practice).

Connecting to 5 Main aspects of SelfMelinda Langford
00:00 / 38:47

Connecting to Your Spirit Guides

This guided meditation has been developed to support you in strengthening your spirit aspect of self, starting by developing a connection with your Spirit Guides.

You will be guided to a neutral safe haven where you will have the opportunity to connect with your Spirit Guides in a safe and loving environment of your own design. This is your own safe haven that you can go to anytime you want to connect with the spirit aspect of your being.

It is recommended to do this practice frequently, to gain the confidence in connecting and communicating with your spirit guides. 

Optional:  You might like to create a sacred space while performing this practice by burning some sage, incense or essential oils, lighting some candles, maybe placing some crystals out around you or create a crystal grid  to help enhance the energies within your space.  You may choose to sit up or lie down with a blanket (try not to go to sleep during the practice).

Connecting to Your Spirit GuidesMelinda Langford
00:00 / 29:12

7th Dimensional Frequency Healing
Guided Meditation

Optional:  This guided meditation and music is designed to support you to become relaxed and receptive before you receive your 7th Dimensional frequency energy healing.
The audio track will guide you through each step of the way.  All the instructions are explained at the beginning of the track. Once all the commentary has ceased, I would have already started transmitting the frequency healing.  Just relax, be open and allow to receive the beautiful energies.
I will connect with you immediately after via Zoom to share what took place for you during your session .
NOTE:  Energy will be channelled into your body and will be facilitated by your higher self regarding how you will best benefit from the flow.

After the healing you may feel tired, have a slight headache, experience vivid dreams, feel emotions re-surfacing which need to be released or dealt with, and become more emotional in general.   Your relationships, work and life in general may be affected during a short period, especially if there are aspects within that need to change, clear or heal.


All the symptoms mentioned above are normal and part of a healing and integration process which usually takes from 1 day to up to 21 days.

These healing sessions are designed to orchestrate an alchemical healing response within the body which can create important changes and bring about deep healing.
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