Transference Healing® Practitioner /Teacher for Spiritual Healing
Melinda Langford
Sharing My Journey
I would like to share with you a few things that have brought me to this point of endeavouring to live more of my spirituality. I can whole heartedly say that although I am a loving mother of two beautiful boys and a partner to a wonderful, supportive husband, I am still aware of how vital it is for us to find our own place and to acknowledge our spirituality and our own woman space.
I began my conscious spiritual journey 15 years ago. I have come to intimately know the challenges, heart breaks, trials and tribulations faced when a spiritual awakening process is in place. However, I have also experienced an abundance of joy and have learnt to embrace the wonderous gifts that I have received along the way.
As a woman who was raised in an overtly masculine and sometimes tough environment, I learnt very early on in life to respond to the world from a masculine perspective, as a survival mechanism to cope in a somewhat challenging patriarchal system. I sadly felt that it was easier and more acceptable to behave as a product of patriarch influence yet be the woman who conformed and responded to the ideal of the system.
My response was to play out and embody the distorted power play, control, manipulation, deceit, anger, aggression, ownership and domination behavioural traits. My feminine aspect would, at times, rise up to show herself as a wounded warrior seeking to heal the shadows of neediness, anxiety, fear and lack of boundaries around my most sacred feminine being. I felt that I was betraying my body, my soul and the very essence of who I truly am.
I made the choice to embark on a journey of breaking down the person who I thought I was and believed I needed to be. I began to explore my vulnerabilities and to re-create myself, experiencing a sense of a re-birth process over and over again. This process continues today, resulting in an opening up and a gentle evolvement of me as a woman. My desire is to reclaim my divine feminine essence and to truly know, understand and become the embodiment of my spiritual ascension process.
While in the process of a spiritual awakening, we can find ourselves becoming so far immersed in our own stories that we can easily forget the truth that lays underneath and the true meaning of being authentic. Sometimes it can be hard to see what's actually going on and how to effectively resolve the blockages, especially when we are experiencing those difficult and challenging times of dealing with significant change.
In facing those times, I often convinced myself that I didn’t need the support or guidance. I thought that I could walk this newly found path on my own, yet those were the times that I most needed support.
I am very passionate about my journey and I love being able to share my wisdom, knowledge and experiences with others. I am committed to my continual self healing, spiritual growth and coming into alignment with my true purpose.
My Service To You
My heart desire is to be a vessel of universal high frequency and light to channel to support your spiritual healing process as you awaken and work towards your ascension. I will lovingly hold a space for you and provide guidance and support where needed while you progress through your self healing and empowerment journey.
My intent is that you will be able to empower yourself, come back into a state of balance and wellness. To be able to shift into higher levels of consciousness as you awaken to your divinity and connect with your higher multidimensional self.