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1:1 Healings

Transference Healing® - Healing art of Alchemy & Light body Technology 

The Chosen Healing Modality  - Transference Healing®

Transferenece Healing® is an highly advanced and comprehensive healing modality. It gently penetrates the patterning at an electromagnetic field of the body, the deepest part of our blueprint. It is so complex and filled with so much magic, producing an alchemical healing impact in the body,


Introductory Transference Healing Session
Beyond Doorways Level 1

Are you ready to experience a taste of the incredible magic of Transference Healing® in a powerful session.


You will feel the amazing effects of frequency, light, colour, sound and the elements from the universe and nature as they channel into your body, creating balance, calmness, and wellness.


You will also gain valuable insight into your current situation and learn how to make necessary shifts within yourself.


You can continue to benefit from these energetic procedures by finding them in Alexis Cartwright's book 'Beyond Doorways - The Mysteries Revealed'. Get ready to feel lighter, more positive, and completely transformed!


What you will Receive...

  • Healing Session is for 1.5 hours.

  • The healing session can be in-person or remotely​​​​​

  • A mini intuitive reading will be provided

  • Guidance is offered on how to work with the healing impact and what you can expect after the healing.​​

  • A therapeutic essence is also provided to help you integrate the energies.


Healing with Alchemy
A powerful healing impact working with symbols

A Healing with Alchemy Session, is a great opportunity to experience another aspect of Transference Healing® energies.    The session works with the latest Transference Healing® with Alchemy Set (available to purchase so you can continue to heal yourself at home).  


During the session, you will receive a powerful infusion of frequencies.  Allowing the symbols to be dispersed throughout your being for a magical alchemical healing response to occur within.

There are two ways you can receive a Healing with Alchemy session - this is a divined process (guided by your higher self):

  • Meditation - Dropping into a deeper state of relaxation while experiencing the healing of the symbols.

  • Grid - have the opportunity to experience a gridding practice and feel the infusion of energies along with healing process that is occurring at the time.  


What you will Receive...

  • Healing Session is for 1 hour

  • The healing session can be in-person or remotely​​​​​

  • Receive a meditation or gridding experience

  • A reading on what was occurring during the healing session and how you are being supported.​​


Full Transference Healing Session
Fundamental & Advanced Healing

Are you ready to experience the incredible magic of Transference Healing® in a in depth powerful session?   You will feel the amazing effects of frequency, light, colour, sound and the elements from the universe and nature as they channel into your body, activating a deep alchemical healing response.


You will gain valuable insight into your current situation and learn how to make necessary shifts within yourself. You'll be receiving the necessary frequencies and light to integrate more aspects of your lightbody, giving you an amazing opportunity to transform.


What you will Receive...

  • Healing Session is for 2 hours.

  • The healing session can be in-person or remotely​​​​​

  • A full intuitive reading will be provided

  • Guidance is offered on how to work with the healing impact and what you can expect after the healing.​​

  • A therapeutic essence is also provided to help you integrate the energies.


Full Beyond Doorway Healing Session
Connecting to the Atlantean & Lemurian Dimensions for healing and a gridding practice to further support the integration of your Lightbody

In this powerful healing session you will experience an extended Beyond Doorways healing session that works with the healing frequencies explored in 'Beyond Doorways - The Mysteries Revealed' by Alexis Cartwright.


Experience a small sample of the Full Transference Healing® energies

This healing session works with some of the fundamental Transference Healing® frequencies.  This energetic healing session channels colour, sound, frequency and light into your etheric/physical body and consciousness.

Work with Atlantean & Lemurian Dimensions

You will experience healing procedures from the Atlantean and Lemurian dimensions.  It will be working with your DNA and cellular purification process. It specifically supports clearing core wounding that was created back then.


Experience a Gridding Practice

Gridding practices are designed to support your physical body to absorb frequency and light from the universe in support of integrating an aspect of your lightbody.  ​  It will initiate an alchemical response.


What you will Receive...

  • Healing Session is for 1.5 hours.

  • The healing session is in-person at Minchinbury

  • A full intuitive reading will be provided

  • Guidance is offered on how to work with the healing impact and what you can expect after the healing.​​

  • A therapeutic essence is also provided to help you integrate the energies.


Family/Group Healing Session
A Fundamental & Advanced Healing

Are you ready for a transformative experience with your loved ones?  A group family healing session is perfect for all family members, whether your related by blood, marriage, adoption or living together.


A full Transference healing session will be performed remotely during which I will channel natural healing frequencies into the group while intuitively identifying the underlying imbalances for each member, by applying specific Transference Healing® procedures relevant to the groups needs.  


During the group family healing, all members will receive what they individually need, all delegated by their higher self.  The energies will also support healing the genetic lineage of what has been brought down through the generations, as it works at a DNA and cellular level of the blueprint. 


​A recorded intuitive ‘reading’ will be provided at the end of the healing session, along with some therapeutic essence that will be provided to each member of the group.  The therapeutic essence is to support the integration of the energies up to the next three weeks.


What you will Receive...

  • Healing Session is for 2 hours.

  • The healing session is remote/absentee

  • A full intuitive reading will be provided

  • Guidance is offered on how to work with the healing impact and what you can expect after the healing.​​

  • A therapeutic essence is also provided to help you integrate the energies.

Understanding How It Works

  • Who & What is Transference Healing for?

  • Which Spiritual Healing Option is best for me?

  • What occurs during a Transference Healing Session?

  • How Often do I need to receive Transference Healing?

  • What is an Alchemical process?

Transference Healing Products

Want to learn more about how Melinda can support you working with Transference Healing®.

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