Transference Healing®
The healing art of Alchemy & Lightbody Technology, to enhance your self healing potential and beyond
What is Transference Healing®?
Transference Healing® is a seventh dimensional frequency-healing and ascension modality that is multidimensional, comprehensive and advanced. It works with the resources of frequency, light and matter (elements) to initiate and support ‘transference’; a shift from one state of being into another. This is pure alchemy.
Transference Healing® is a self-healing tool that seeks to empower you to work with the very depths of your anatomy, consciousness and spiritual being. It brings together a range of ancient healing traditions with unique lightbody (electromagnetic) healing procedures channelled by Alexis Cartwright.
Transference healing creates an intricate and profoundly effective form of healing that is vital to the evolutionary expansion the human body, consciousness and planet that we are undergoing at this time.

‘Transference Healing ® instils hope, light and faith in the Universe. It enhances spiritual awakening and our embodiment of Christ Consciousness. Through it we can return to a state of oneness with the God/Goddess.’
Alexis Cartwright
How Can Frequency Healing® Benefit You?
You are tired, feeling unwell & depleted or just not 100%.
You are experiencing struggle and want to shift an aspect of your current reality.
You seek health, balance, happiness, peace and fulfilment.
Are seeking to spiritually evolve and ascend.
Transference Healing® is unlimited in what it can offer healing in, some areas it is suitable for are:
all ages,
properties & homes,
Small businesses,
family unit,
situations or circumstances.
Transference Healing® supports healing, personal growth and spiritual empowerment.

​‘Enlightenment is not just a state of mind; it is a state of being.’
Alexis Cartwright.
Why is Frequency Healing® Necessary?
In today's rapidly changing world, Earth's frequencies are changing all around us. Our own individual structures are changing in accordance with the Earth changes, assisting our ascension process. This now requires a different way of healing and transitioning with the changes both in and around us.
As we move through this evolutionary process we have the opportunity to advance our self healing process, come more into alignment with our higher self, open our hearts and make the shift into higher levels of consciousness.
Transference Healing has been anchored here on earth (by Alexis Cartwright) at this time because the Earth has now shifted into the 5th Dimension.
In 1999 our reality began an evolutionary process of shifting out of a 3rd dimension into the 5th Dimension. Curious to know more?

​‘Ascension occurs not only in consciousness, but also in body.’
Alexis Cartwright.
Transference Healing® Works with the Lightbody
Alexis Cartwright teaches us in her book 'Beyond Doorways - The Mysteries Revealed', all humans have a lightbody. The lightbody is a higher evolutionary vehicle (advanced technology) through which we ascend. It holds elements and light of a higher frequency that is crystalline in nature.
We are all undergoing the necessary alchemical changes so we can embody this technology and integrate the lightbody. Shifting from an Adam Body into an Adam Kadmon Body.
One key component to integrating the lightbody is through self healing. This means as more light is filtering into our bodies we are clearing blocks, density (ie: old wounds, suppressed emotions), old pain, trauma that has been stored in the body & consciousness for a long time.
We are all at different stages in the process, however when we have fully integrated the lightbody we will have evolved into the christbody and consciousness.
By raising the frequency of the body and transmuting matter into light, Transference Healing® supports you to integrate with your lightbody, raise your consciousness and live a multidimensional reality.
Healing Tools Utilised in Transference healing or Energy Healing Include:
Colour and sound waves.
Crystal and vibrational Lightbody Kit essences.
The elements (earth, air, fire, water, ether).
Electromagnetic and magnetic frequencies.
Alchemy, alchemy symbols and planetary energies.
Templates, Masters and Rays
Crystal frequencies, platonic solids, skulls and wands.
Shamanic healing.
Stellar, cosmic and interdimensional frequencies.
Gridding procedures.
Lemurian and Atlantean technologies.
Lightbody and Merkabah technology.
Mystery School teachings.
Transference Healing® has benefited thousands of people globally
This practice is independently owned and operated by (Harmony & Flow Within) under a license from Transference Healing® Pty Ltd – ACN 121 645 047.
Melinda is a registered certified Practitioner & Teacher, available for one-on-one sessions, absentee healings & facilitate fundamentals training session.