Woman's Rhodonite & Black Onyx Necklace
Rhodonite – Is an emotional balancer that nurtures love. It has the ability to show both sides of an issue. This stone stimulates, clears & activates the heart and the heart chakra. It grounds energy, balancing the yin-yang (masculine & feminine energies). It supports healing emotional shock and panic. It is very supportive in situations of emotional self-destructive tendencies, co-dependency and abuse.
Black Onyx – It can provide support in difficult or confusing circumstances and during times of enormous mental or physical stress. It centres your energy and aligns it with a higher power, helping to access higher guidance. This stone promotes stamina.
Psychologically – It can recognise and integrate the duality going on inside of you. It anchors the flighty into a more stable way of life and generally imparts more self-control. It can alleviate overwhelming fears and worries.
References: The encyclopedia of crystals & The Crystal Bible – Judy Hall
Length: 33cm (measurement from the clasp to bottom – the diameter)
Bead Size: Rhodonite (round) – 12mm
Black Onyx (Diamond Cut) – 8mm