High Vibrational Space
At Harmony & Flow Within, we believe that your environment significantly impacts your overall well-being. Creating a High Vibrational Space ensures you and/or your family are living in an environment that is energetically clear of any negativity, denseness, or heaviness, which influences our mind, body, soul & consciousness. Step into a space filled with peace and positive energy, allowing you to thrive in every aspect of life. Experience a harmonious and clear living environment.
Pack includes:
1 x 100ml Sacred Space Purification Spray - from Transference HealingĀ® - a high vibrational spray with essential oils to clear the space.
1 x Candle - scented with lemongrass and lime - the fire element is used to purify the space and raise the vibration of the room
1 x Mini Sage Stick - purify the astral plane of the environment
1 x Selentite stick - helps provide a calming environment
1 x Small Abalone Shell - Used as a smudging dish